About Us
Welcome to Yeshua Daily
We recognize that we are all on a personal journey. Regardless of were you are in your walk today, our goal is to help you grow in your faith.
Who Are We

We hold two core beliefs:
1. Yeshua is the Messiah—He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him.
2. The Torah is eternal. While salvation is through faith alone in Yeshua, we are called to walk that faith out in obedience, just as Yeshua Himself demonstrated.
Our Mission

Our mission is to continually seek out and share the Word, help unlearn misconceptions and man-made traditions. We aim to equip others to grow in the truth of Scripture.
What We Do

- Provide biblical studies
- Weekly Torah Readings
- Resources
- More to come
More Core Beliefs
Yeshua is the Son of God and the promised Messiah. He was born of the Virgin Mary and brought the message of salvation, pointing us back to the Father. He lived a sinless and perfect life, without any fault, and became the ultimate atonement for sin. Through faith in Him, all who believe are offered salvation. Yeshua died and was resurrected, making it possible for us to receive forgiveness for our sins and the gift of eternal life.
Yehovah (God)
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and the Children of Israel. He is One, and there are no other gods besides Him. He is eternal, without beginning or end, and the Creator of all things. As Sovereign, He reigns over all creation with absolute authority. God is Holy, Just, Loving, and Merciful, perfectly balancing justice with grace. His love is unconditional, and His mercy is limitless. He is All-Knowing, understanding everything, and All-Powerful, capable of doing all things. God is not bound by time or space; He transcends the physical world, yet is deeply involved in it. Though His ways are higher than ours, He desires a personal relationship with His creation.
God's Commandments
The commandments of God reflect His will and serve as a guide for holiness, remaining relevant for believers today. Obeying these commandments demonstrates love for God while pointing to our need for a Savior. While we are no longer bound by the sacrificial laws under the new covenant, God’s commandments remain the foundation upon which we must build our lives. They help shape our character and align us with God’s purposes, leading us to live in a way that honors Him.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God with us as He dwells in our temple bodies. The Holy Spirit convicts people of sin, teaches God’s truth, and helps believers live according to His will. He strengthens us to obey God’s commandments and live holy lives, transforming our hearts to reflect His righteousness. The Holy Spirit is sent by God to guide, empower, and comfort believers. The Spirit also gives spiritual gifts to believers and helps them grow in faith. Ultimately, He leads us to live in a way that honors God and points others to Yeshua.
Sin and Repentance
Sin is the violation of God’s laws and commandments, resulting in separation from Him. It can be seen in actions, thoughts, or attitudes that go against His moral and divine principles. Repentance is the sincere regret for these sins, followed by a conscious decision to turn away from them. It involves seeking God’s forgiveness and making a genuine effort to live according to His will. Through repentance, one can experience healing, restoration, and reconciliation with God, overcoming the effects of sin and embracing a renewed relationship with Him.
Grafted into Israel
Through faith in the Messiah, Gentiles are grafted into Israel, becoming part of God’s covenant people. Believers in the Messiah are now included in God’s promises. As branches grafted onto the tree of Israel, Gentiles share in the spiritual heritage of God’s people, receiving the blessings of salvation, grace, and eternal life. This grafting signifies unity with Israel, as both Jews and Gentiles are now part of God’s redemptive plan through the Messiah, who is the fulfillment of God’s promises to His people.